Friday 13 April 2007

Annoying Chicken

Here's one of the reasons why people don't like advertising, and has more than a hint of desperation about it. This kind of advertising is only going to add to the woes of the ailing 30 second spot.

A very high pitched electronic screech has been added to this tvc when the product is shown. Supposedly, the sound can only be heard by people about 20 and under, but it's been enhanced in this YouTube version.

This is going to do wonders for the KFC brand don't you think? Annoying people into buying products is a fantastic strategy. Sure, people will notice it, and even talk about it - but what will they be saying?

It's doing just about as good a job for KFC as this PR disaster:

Rats Take Over KFC/Taco Bell

Nuff said, moving on...

via Beyond Madison Avenue

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